This combined procedure for a late 30s mother of three with post-partum rectus diastasis included an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) with VASER liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, axilla, and inner thighs to contour the body. The fat removed during liposuction was then processed and transferred as fat grafting to the breasts and hips. Fat grafting is a great option to improve the shape of the breast, while adding some volume; however, volume enhancement is limited to typically 1 cup size compared to implants which can result in a much greater volume enhancement. Fat is also great for symmetry correction which was achieved for her, adding 430cc to her right breast and 345cc to her left. An additional 300cc of fat was transferred to each hip to accentuate her curves. This comprehensive procedure resulted in a more contoured figure, tightened abdominal musculature, improved core strength, and enhanced volume and shape of her breast, while maintaining her natural appearance.