Posted November 18, 2021 in Brazilian Butt Lift

3 Minute Read
There are few procedures that are currently as in-demand as the Brazilian butt lift – and with good reason! Not only can BBL surgery help men and women to achieve the full, plump, Hollywood-worthy rear ends they desire, but it can also give patients a boost in their self-confidence and overall quality of life. At Magnolia Plastic Surgery and MedSpa in New Orleans, LA, award-winning plastic surgeon Dr. Heath Charvet performs advanced Brazilian butt lift surgery to create the sexy, natural-looking butt shape that is one of today’s hottest trends. Keep reading to learn more about the results that may be possible for you with butt enhancement surgery, including how much volume can be added during a BBL.
How does a Brazilian butt lift work?
The Brazilian butt lift utilizes a liposuction plus fat transfer approach to remove unwanted fat from one area of a patient’s body and relocate it to the buttocks in order to create a fuller, rounder, more attractive overall shape. During BBL surgery in NOLA, which is performed using general anesthesia and typically takes about 2 – 3 hours to complete, Dr. Charvet will begin by using liposuction to harvest excess fat. This fat is often taken from the abdomen, hips, flanks, or thighs, depending on where the patient has enough extra fat available. The fat cells are then separated and purified in our on-site centrifuge, after which time they are prepared in syringes for the final stage of BBL. Using skill, precision, and an artistic eye, Dr. Charvet injects the purified fat cells into the buttocks in thin layers. By performing manual massage between each layer of fat injections, Dr. Charvet ensures the smoothest and most natural-looking contour possible.
How much fat can be transferred during a BBL?
The volume of fat transferred to the buttocks during a BBL will vary based on a number of personal patient factors, including:
- How much excess fat is available
- The patient’s overall weight, body type, and BMI
- The patient’s desired outcome
- The expected rate of fat survival
Generally speaking, patients may expect to have about 800 – 1000cc of fat transferred to each side of the buttocks during BBL surgery. While the initial results may appear larger than expected, a certain percentage of the fat cells will naturally be reabsorbed by the body after BBL. Additionally, swelling after BBL surgery will resolve over the course of several weeks or months, ultimately revealing the patient’s ideal new butt size and shape.
Is a BBL permanent?
The fat cells that survive and establish a blood supply after BBL surgery will remain in the patient’s buttocks indefinitely. However, losing or gaining weight after a Brazilian butt lift can cause the fat cells to change in size, which can dramatically alter the patient’s initial cosmetic outcome. For this reason, patients considering BBL surgery should be committed to maintaining a stable and healthy weight after their procedure. With a consistent weight and healthy lifestyle, the results of Brazilian butt lift surgery can last for years or even decades.
Take your rear end to the next level with BBL surgery in New Orleans, LA
If your efforts in the gym seem don’t seem to be getting you any closer to your ideal butt shape, it may be time to consider cosmetic surgery. Join the many men and women who have finally achieved the celebrity butt they’ve always wanted by calling Magnolia Plastic Surgery and MedSpa to schedule your one-on-one consultation with acclaimed NOLA plastic surgeon Dr. Heath Charvet today!