Breast Revision Surgery (Implant Replacement or Removal) in New Orleans, LA
Schedule a ConsultationWhat Is a Breast Revision Surgery?
Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in the U.S., and in most cases, creates beautiful and natural outcomes. Unfortunately, sometimes a woman can be dissatisfied with the results of her breasts and may need breast revision surgery. Keep in mind not all breast revisions are because of surgeon error. While few breast augmentations do end with a poor outcome, there are individuals who want a larger or smaller implant, while some may have a defect and prefer to have the implant corrected or taken out altogether. Furthermore, some women must have revision treatment for a unique condition. New Orleans, LA plastic surgeon Dr. Heath Charvet performs breast revision surgery and gives an in-depth evaluation at Magnolia Plastic Surgery and MedSpa so that a healthy and desired outcome is achieved.
Why Is Breast Revision Performed?
This cosmetic surgery either removes an implant that is not working or functioning correctly or is no longer desired. Breast revision surgery may also be performed to change implant size or go from an implant to a fat transfer (or vice versa). There are other common situations where a revision procedure is needed:
- Asymmetry: Asymmetry occurs when the implants look out of balance. This may be due to a wrong size implant or drooping on one side or another condition that may cause asymmetry. A physical examination would need to be made to determine what is leading to the asymmetry, then surgery would be implemented to correct the problem, and finally, a new set of breast implants would be positioned to create a balanced result.
- Bottoming Out: Bottoming out is a condition that happens if one or both implants drop too low or “bottom out.” In many cases, this is a case of a positioning error from the original surgery. To modify this, a different placement strategy may be needed. For some patients, tissue grafting will be needed, in addition to a surgically formed pocket to fit the new implant. For most women, going to a silicone implant can solve this problem.
- Breast Size: There are times a secondary breast surgery is as straightforward as receiving a smaller or larger sized breast implant. With the original surgery, you may have opted to go too big or too small. A new breast implant size can be placed to reach the desired goal.
- Capsular Contracture: This is the term used for scar tissue hardening, which occurs when the delicate tissue that surrounds the implant becomes hard and thickens. Although many implant surgeries do create some internal scarring, most individuals will never realize this. In some cases, the hardening tissue could interfere with implant placement, which may change the breast shape and deliver an undesirable outcome. Capsular contracture surgery to clean up and remove scarring would be recommended.
- Implant Rippling: This condition occurs when you see obvious rippling and wrinkles beneath the skin. This deformity generally forms around the edge of the implant. Rippling is generally found in women who are of low body weight. Often, this condition can be corrected by simply switching to a silicone breast implant.
- Implant Rupture: Although this is rarely seen, breast implant rupture may occur. When a saline breast implant ruptures, the implant will deflate almost immediately. Because of this, a visible change will occur. On the other hand, if the implant is silicone-based and ruptures, it is only seen via an MRI. Either way, when a rupture happens, secondary surgery will be needed.
- Symmastia: This condition happens when breast implants are positioned too closely together. Most often, this is because the breast implant used was the incorrect width, shape, or size. A revision treatment will repair this problem by using an implant that works with your frame and looks balanced.
- Animation Deformity: This abnormality occurs when the implant is placed under the muscle resulting in visual displacement of the implant as the muscle contracts. It is most commonly encountered with breast reconstruction. Exchange to a pre-pectoral (over the muscle) revision can eliminate this abnormality.
What Can I Expect With Breast Revision?
After your procedure and an observation period, you can go home to begin your recovery. The recovery period varies based on the complexity of your surgery. A revision that requires complex revision techniques will need a longer recovery that could possibly take up to several months. You should slowly start to see your surgical results once the bruising and swelling starts to disappear. Dr. Charvet or a member of his team will go over what is normal while you recover, plus suggestions to help you heal faster. You should also schedule follow-up visits as directed so Dr. Charvet can monitor your healing and results.
Want to Learn More About Breast Revision Surgery in New Orleans, LA?
Revision surgery for breast implants is a specialized procedure tailored for your aesthetic goals by Dr. Heath Charvet. If you are not happy with your breast augmentation results or wish for a different outcome, we invite you to contact our New Orleans, LA office to make your appointment at Magnolia Plastic Surgery and MedSpa. There are numerous factors to think about, and Dr. Charvet will provide you with a full physical assessment, create your revision recommendations, and help set realistic goals and expectations.